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Intake and Eligibility

Where do I start?

A developmental disability is defined in federal and state law as a severe and chronic disability attributable to a mental or physical impairment other than mental illness, manifested before age 22, likely to continue indefinitely, and resulting in substantial functional limitations in major life activities according to Ohio Revised Code 5123.01 and Federal Public Law 106-402.


To make a referral for a child birth through age 2 for Early Intervention services, call 740-439-1858 or online at


To initiate the eligibility process for children 3 years and older contact the Muskingum County Board of Developmental Disabilities at 740-453-4829. Individuals and guardians will be directed to obtain documentation to confirm a developmental disability. The individual or guardian must sign consent forms if records are needed from the community.  


What are the steps in determining eligibility?

For ages 3-5 years old
Documentation of at least two developmental delays or established risk. This can usually be documented through the child’s individualized Education Plan (IEP), Evaluation Team Report, or medical records.


For ages 6- 15
The eligibility process in Ohio is a two-step process:

  1. Obtain verification of a qualifying diagnosis. Please contact the County Board office for examples of documentation that will be accepted.

    • Onset of disability must be documented prior to age 22.

    • The disability must be likely to continue indefinitely.

    • The diagnosis must be a physical or mental impairment other than mental illness.

  2. Next the Children’s Ohio Eligibility Instrument (COEDI) will be completed.

  3. The COEDI examines 6 life activity areas- self-care, receptive/expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, and the ability to live independently.

For ages 16 and above

The eligibility process in Ohio is a two-step process:

  1. Obtain verification of a qualifying diagnosis. Please contact the County Board office for examples of documentation that will be accepted.

    • Onset of disability must be documented prior to age 22.

    • The disability must be likely to continue indefinitely.

    • The diagnosis must be a physical or mental impairment other than mental illness.

  2. Next the Ohio Eligibility Instrument (OEDI) will be completed.

  3. The OEDI examines 7 life activity areas- self-care, receptive/expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, the ability to live independently, and the ability to provide financially for themselves.  


When is eligibility re-determined?

If a developmental disability is confirmed by fulfilling the diagnosis verification reviewed above, an Intake Evaluator meets with the individual and others to administer the State mandated evaluation tool (OEDI/COEDI) to assess the impact of the individual’s disability on his/her functional abilities.


The State of Ohio requires that eligibility be re-determined when an individual turns 3, 6, and 16 years old. It may also be done when a qualifying diagnosis changes, functional skills change, following an extended “break” in services, or on an annual basis as requested by any member of the ISP team. Also, if you move to another county, your eligibility status may be re-determined. You will maintain your current eligibility status until the re-determination occurs in the new county of residence. A new OEDI shall be completed anytime the individual experiences a significant change of condition.


What happens after eligibility is determined?

Once determination has been made, based off of the Ohio Revised Code Section 5123-8-01. The condition described in paragraph (C)(2)(a) of the rule, resulting in substantial functional limitations in at least three of the following areas of major life activities; Self-Care, Receptive & Expressive Communication, Learning, Mobility, Self-Direction, Capacity for Independent Living, or Economic Self-Sufficiency, a Service and Support Administrator (SSA) will be in contact with you in the next few weeks to coordinate services that you have requested.

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Muskingum County Board of Developmental Disabilities

1304 Newark Rd Zanesville, OH 43701

T: 740-453-4829

F: 740-455-4183

Emergency On-Call 1-888-905-0787

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