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Teamwork for Transportation

November 14th was a big day at the MCBDD. Cameron got his van.


It was a day that MCBDD Service and Support staff, and the folks at Team Joseph, the Jett Foundation, and Stay at Home Vehicle Modifications had been working towards for a long time.


The van will help Cameron to live a fuller life, be part of the community, and just be able to go. Cameron and his grandfather Wes have big plans for the van. “We’re going to go. It’s going to get us out of this house. We’re thinking Yellowstone,” said Cameron’s grandfather Wes.


The van, which was paid for with a combination of funds from the Muskingum County Board of Developmental Disabilities and grants from Team Joseph and the Jett Foundation, is equipped with a wheelchair lift and has room to transport Cameron’s other medical equipment.


Cameron’s grandfather Wes shares that the van will be a big improvement from the old van they currently drive, which is high on miles and has no air conditioning. “We have a silent prayer each time we pull into the Children's parking lot that we made it,” said Wes.


The team at the Muskingum County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, Team Joseph, and the Jett Foundation, have all worked tirelessly to bring the resources together to purchase the van and ensure funding for the modifications. Stay at Home Vehicle Modifications completed the modifications necessary to make the van most useful for Cameron.

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